Juice Diet for Weight Loss

Toxin build-up in the body can cause a lot of health problems – like obesity. You don’t need a doctor to tell you that weight gain can lead to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, breathing problems, and stroke. You must lose weight to live a disease-free life. We will discuss in detail how to do the juice diet safely and correctly, juice recipes, health tips, and much more. So ladies, let’s begin!

1.     Consult a doctor before starting the 60-day juice diet, especially if you are 20 kg overweight.
2.     Prepare a shopping list containing veggies, fruits, herbs, nuts, and spices.
3.     Go grocery shopping every 2-3 days.
4.     Cut out processed and unhealthy foods from your diet.
5.     Drink 2.5 liters of juice every day.
6.     Make juices in the ratio of 80% veggies and 20% fruits.
7.     Drink juice every 3-4 hours and have a total of 5 servings of juice per day.
8.     Drink at least 2 liters of water per day during the juice fast.
9.     Stay away from alcohol, red meat, energy bars, packaged fruit and vegetable juices, dairy, and bread.
10.  No exercises are recommended for the first two weeks. For the remaining six weeks, you can walk, ride a bike, do yoga asanas, or lift light weights.
11.  Check your weight every two weeks. Photograph your body before starting the diet and every two weeks once you are on the diet to maintain a visual document of your progress.
12.  Maintain a journal. Write your action plans, what works for you, the roadblocks you face, your progress, etc.

It is always good to plan beforehand when you decide to go on the juice diet. This will help you stay focused on your plan to detoxify your body and put a full stop to your weight gain problem. Here is a list of equipment you should have in your kitchen for juicing.


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